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What Is Neurofeedback?

Previously, work colleagues had attended a trauma conference which had introduced me to Neurotherapy (aka Neurofeedback). At this conference Bessel van der Kolk spoke of the value of Neurotherapy in treating features of PTSD when used in conjunction with traditional therapy. I soon discovered that Neurotherapy has application across a range of issues, from PTSD to Anxiety and Depression along with issues related to childhood behavioural disorders such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and emotional regulation issues. I have been utilising Neurotherapy as an adjunct to counselling for over 10 years now. I enjoy watching the changes Neurotherapy brings for my clients! Generally they first report feeling as though their sleep has improved, next is feeling that they can be more emotionally regulated and feel more balanced, then they start feeling like they can pay attention easier and stay focused longer. For parents, they often report that their child may calm down sooner or simply be able to communicate easier.


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Please note: These videos are for reference only, ie, to provide an overview of Neurofeedback. Some of the information/ demonstrations used are for different equipment






QEEG (quantitative Electroencephalogram) is the process of assessing the whole brains function. Assessment is based upon brain wave frequency (Speed) and amplitude (Amount). QEEG utilises a cap which as 19 sensors attached so that it can read the most common regions of brain function and activity based upon the 10-20 system. Assessing brain wave activity provides insight into how the brain is functioning as there are some underlying patterns of activity that could have an impact on a client in a range of ways; such as, sleep quality, memory, capacity for focus and attention, emotional regulation and so on. On its own, a QEEG is a very useful tool.  When it underpins assessment for the development of protocol for Neurotherapy treatment it can provide significant insight and individualised treatment protocol that best suits the clients experiences and needs.


I recommend any client considering utilizing Neurotherapy as part of treatment should complete a QEEG assessment first so that we can have a comprehensive understanding of the brain. The assessment will compromise a clinical interview talking about some of the challenges you might be facing along with how, when and where these issues first arose and then the QEEG. The whole process can take roughly 2-3 hours over the course of a few sessions.


If you are considering a QEEG, please expect to have the assessment completed in the morning (between 8-10am). You will also be asked to avoid any alcohol or drugs the night before (except medications) and no medication the morning of (we can discuss this to ensure you continue to be well). You are also asked to be well hydrated. It is a messy process and so it might be best if you can go home to wash the gel out of your hair afterwards.

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